Tuesday, December 22, 2009

White !

Subtlety, evasion, pernicious, insidious...
Al the above mean the same when it comes to personal conversation.

We love speeches. For one thing, speakers usually possess a charisma we find irresistible( I do not mean pop stars!). For the rest, speeches tend to incite you to ,at least further thoughts if not action. We hear speeches every day. The TV, radio and even in YouTube. Familiarity brings contempt.

What happened to normal conversation? Is it necessary that what u say must be important, dramatic and catching? Does what u think need to be transmitted to all your friends so that they can think more of you than you already do? If u happen to be slightly more good-looking than your peers, we would never hear the end of it!

When u go out among public(the lesser minds, of course!), u would never forget your Mp3 player even if you leave your wallet. You are the embodiment of music and finding your sound is a task which precedes everything else in importance. Who cares what the guy sitting next to you in the train is blabbering about? He is probably a screwball. If somebody unfortunately speaks to you, u remove one of the earphones to listen to him and pop it right back in your ear as soon as he his finished and nod at him curtly signifying that you understood that he is making meaning-less conversation.

Where did we go wrong? Was it when the blood lines mingled? Or was it when democracy and freedom became the favourite words of politicians? Or was it when we forgot that the people next to us are of a completely different species? Or was it when we thought ourselves the members of the cool group and everybody else just 'suckz'? Why can we not see the other person as same as everyone and talk to them without subtle hints and mocking insults?

There is no end to this masochism. We will continue using this eternal fount of 'fun' and never come to realize what it will do to weak-willed persons. It is the main past-time of many people, irrelevant to what ever they do in life. Humour has been twisted to something undeniably more gratifying than the previous version. A separate genre of jokes has been incorporated to accommodate mocking and assaulting of weak people.

Good-natured teasing?? Its easier to mock your friend rather than help him. You are just having fun! Nothing is ever serious with you. You live for the fun part and your aim is to keep others smiling at your jokes which makes them happy(that's what you wanted all along wasn't it?). Well, if the majority laughs, who cares for the little buggers whimpering in the corner? Its the cool people who need to be your friends.

Did this arise from the modern educational system? Or was it the modern parents who decided that their kids are better off being with the 'good' ones? We evolve, we shed off our uncivilized selves to become the ultra-civilized citizens, we have a reason for everything(which by mischance happens to be the solution), we think working hard gives us money, we chase after money even though we understand its the root of all evils, we work for the greater good, and when its all finally over, we disappear and resurface as the guy who is am-strange-but-not-unusual type. Movies?

We have lost the individual perception. Our thoughts and our ability to reciprocate feelings are simply the byproduct of drama. Our actions seem clumsy and awkward when compared to the 'cool' group. Where we cannot lead, we follow. I wonder who thought this up!

There is no purity and tranquility in our intentions and actions. Our thoughts are mired with the common urges. The impulses born out of constant exposure, are completely gone over to the disease taking over us. What happened to the white flag?

Live, people. Live, for yourself. It is not selfish. You can always live for the 'others' when you are finished. Projecting an image of yourself and glorifying in it doesn't even keep You satisfied in the long run. Nothing is constant. Speak, not your mind but keeping the thoughts of others in mind. Anticipate the resulting feelings and emotions. A single pool of white in the middle of the blackness shines to the lesser colors as a source of regeneration. Be a part of it. Upload more than you download. That was easy to say, wasn't it?

My life or Yours?

Many people desire companionship... Many people crave for recognition... Many people think they are not complete without a partner... Almost all of them have the same perception of life..

What have we evolved into? We live in a global village connected by a supposedly-infallible thread of instant communication. The mere concept of distance is lost and rarely thought about. Do we realize that the ultimate aim of every individual is to know what the 'others' are doing? The 19Th century philosophers were afraid of the materialistic urges in the people. Who is afraid of 'virtuality' now?

Was it so important to invent the radio? If the much-disputed inventors Tesna and Macroni had resisted the impulse, then maybe we wouldn't have gotten this far on the path of destroying privacy, that which symbolizes the loincloth which even the stone-age man found necessary to possess.

Then is destruction of privacy is this all about? Rather, consider it a losing the focus of one's identity which he swaps for imaginative recognition and flattery.
We are the first generation going through this cycle. It must be commended we are doing very well to restricting ourselves only to chatrooms and communities. If the celebrities are doing it, why not we? We are in no way less then them! Of course not!

A million emoticons for a smile? A billion texted words to hardly say three words face to face? Countless nights spent for regretting a single sentence texted at the spur of the moment? Hurray! We are near to have the emotional breakdowns that everybody keeps talking about!

Weak, unfaithful and pervert. The virtues of virtuality. We try to make others see us the way we want them to see. For this purpose, the establishment of online communities couldn't have been more helpful! What more, it is completely free! That is the only aspect which makes any thing more attractive(apart from bluetooth).
Don't u just love scraping and commenting?

The 'I' and the 'i' have been made distinct. 'I' stands for the hyper persona everybody knows about. 'i' stands for the inner guy who pops out occasionally, *chuckles self-deprecatingly* "yea i am a bit that way :D" Sick!

The life unwittingly given to you isn't yours anymore. Your friends and family have stolen it away. But that's okay, its only them. They will give it back. Even if they don't, u can continue living without it. Screw them, they are all a bunch of buggers anyway. You still got your sweetheart who will die for you if u but say so.

We are not living anymore. Its a eternal drama of irony and pomp. We exist only for the purpose others think we exist for. Compromise, bargain, chase after predetermined illusions become the paths of life of which if Robert Frost had known about, he would have never been a poet.